Ciemmona 2015: The Four (Cycling) Days of Milan / Le 4 giornate (ciclistiche) di Milano


We can’t wait to welcome you all in Milan (in Milan? Yes, in Milan!) for the 12th Ciemmona, in other words The Interplanetary Critical Mass that will take place between the 28th and 31st of May 2015.

Ciemmona is The Critical Mass of the Critical Masses and takes place once a year: Critical Mass was born in San Francisco in 1992 on the cry of its cyclists “We are traffic!” and to this day the appointment recurs every month (or week like in Milan) in hundreds of cities of the planet, claiming the right to live and move in a people-oriented environment, against the dominance of motor vehicles. Critical Mass is a direct action of joyful and subversive repossession of the urban space, which makes real and immediate its sharing within all cyclists: you just need a bike!

Here follows the temporary program of the Four Cycling Days of Milan, but you can consider final dates and times of Critical Mass (on Thursday) and Ciemmona (on Saturday).

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This site is a meeting point and logistics information for all those who come from distant  planets or cities and looks for information about “Ciemmona”. People who works for this site should not be considered as a responsible organization or similar.

There are a number of preparatory meetings for the Ciemmona held with horizontal modes and you’re invited to participate.

Motorists are not enemies, but people who could ride with you next time.
During Ciemmona each one is responsible for his behavior. The responsibility is personal, no one must get hurt. The traffic laws exists also during the Ciemmona.

Images and video are delivered to the site, are the property of their respective authors, publish them in good faith and should not be held responsible for the breakdown of their content or their publication.

Questo sito è un punto di incontro e informazione logistica per tutte coloro che arrivano da pianeti o città lontane. C’è chi dà una mano per tenere in piedi questo sito, ma non va considerato come responsabile organizzativo o simile.

Ci sono una serie di incontri preparatori per la ciemmona che si tengono con modalità orizzontali e sei invitata a partecipare.

Gli automobilisti non sono nemici, ma persone che potrebbero pedalare con te la prossima volta.
Durante la ciemmona ognuna è responsabile del suo comportamento. La responsabilità è personale, nessuna deve farsi male. Le regole della strada esistono anche durante la ciemmona.

Immagini e video sono prestati al sito, restano di proprietà dei rispettivi autori, li pubblica in buona fede e non va ritenuta responsabile del dettaglio dei loro contenuti o della loro pubblicazione.

Parliamo al femminile perché siamo tutte persone.